
Filed in Italy on 04/01/2007, N° TO2007A 000004

Bistable drive

"Jaws" push-pull closure/ fastener
"Forked hook" push-pull closure
"Forked hook" open door stop
Bistable device, constituted by a toggle (1), composed of two levers (110, 111), hinged to film hinges (112, 113, 114), which, by the elastic flexure of an element, can extend itself and switch between two opposite rest positions. One or more hooks protruding from said levers (110, 111) may be added to realize push-pull latches for doors or panels.
In a configuration, a male element (15), by pushing said two levers (110, 111) of said toggle (1), can switch it into a closed position and become engaged by said hooks (604, 605). Said male element (15), by retracting itself, can switch said toggle (1) into an open position and disengage itself from said hooks (604, 605).
In other configurations, command levers applied to said two levers (110, 111) of said toggle (1) drive other mechanical elements, as electrical contacts, and make them to switch between two distinct positions.


A toggle, hinged to film hinges, by the elastic flexure of one of its elements, can extend itself and switch between two opposite rest positions, performing as a bistable device.
One or more hooks can be added to said toggle, to realize various kinds of closures and fasteners.
One or more command levers can be added to said toggle, to drive other moving parts, like electrical contacts in electrical switches.
Entirely made of plastics, it may be integrated with other plastic parts, and may be produced in the same injection moulding operation, at zero components and zero manufacture and assembly costs.


Home appliances
Furniture parts
Electrical switches
"Jaws" push-pull closures and fasteners Spare parts or integrated with other plastics bodies Spare parts or integrated with other plastics bodies Spare parts Spare parts  
"Forked hook"
push-pull closures
Integrated with other plastics bodies        
"Forked hook"
open door latches
Integrated with other plastics bodies      Spare parts  
Bistable drive for electrical switches         Integrated with other plastics elements


PATENT (pdf)  Preliminary english translation of Italian patent application
Simulator - Jaws closure Simulator for easy geometrical dimensioning of the "Jaws" device: calculates and displays the geometric shape of the device resulting from parameters set by user; displays full opening and closing cycles, in order to "see" the device working.
Generates automatically the solutions which meet minimal requirements set by the user, by combining variations of basic parameters (angles and dimensions), and allows filtering of obtained solutions, in order to find the optimal solution.
Simulator - Forked hook closure Simulator for easy geometrical dimensioning of the forked hook closure: displays full opening and closing cycles, in order to "see" the device working and optimize its geometry.
Simulator - Forked hook open door stop - Fixed pin Simulator for easy geometrical dimensioning of the forked hook - fixed pin device for keeping a door open: displays full opening and closing cycles, in order to "see" the device working and optimize its geometry.
Simulator - Forked hook open door stop - Moving pin Simulator for easy geometrical dimensioning of the forked hook - moving pin device for keeping a door open: displays full opening and closing cycles, in order to "see" the device working and optimize its geometry.